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Welcome to Sportizzle.com

About Sportizzle Ltd

Founded in 2017, Sportizzle.com is a sport focused social media platform with offices in North Devon and Cambridgeshire. Bringing together a mix of technology professionals, sports industry veterans and sports athletes to create interactive communities for every sport.

Sportizzle.com is a sports-focused social media platform that allows users to contribute to communities of over 127 different sports. After you select your 3 favourite Sports the platform filters out all unwanted information and presents the user with only the sports content they want to see. By selecting you favourite sports, the platform customises the users experience to only show relevant content; this includes within the main feed, jobs, advertisements, and contacts.

More than just Sports News

Sportizzle.com is a traditional mix of social media functionality and network building features, including:

- Content creation, sharing, likes and social interaction with connections

- SportizzMail is an internal mail system allowing communication between connections

- SportizzCV allows the definition of your sporting experience and qualifications to create your very own SportizzCV (downloadable)

- Groups within the sporting communities that include companies, content creators, institutions and associations.

- Sports industry job opportunities that can be applied for directly from the SportizzCV

A whole lot of Sport

Sportizzle.com understand the diversity of the sports industry, with competitors, industry participants, and fans interested in more than just a single sport. The platform addresses this by asking you to select 3 preferred interests, from a list of over 120 different sports, which then drives the content displayed Users can change their preference at any point and the platform with re-customize the content.

Show your worth

SportizzCV is a unique feature that allows users to detail their experiences within the sports industry: Whether that is Centre Back for Barkington Rovers Sunday league or Goal Attack for Northamptonshire County Netball Squad, the platform allows a detailed record of experiences alongside all skills and qualifications.

SportizzCV is then available to use as the basis of applications to the vast array of job opportunities within the Sports sector, from Associations, Clubs, and Institutions to sports-related Retailers and Manufacturers. The platform caters for all job roles at all levels and allows Applications for any role at the click of a button.

Real-time connections at your fingertips.

With Sportizzle.com, you can send instant, private messages to your connections or a group of connections seamlessly, with a full record of every message. Sportizzle.com is currently available through the website and optimized for mobile devices, with plans to roll out an App in the very near future.
In the future, Sportizzle.com will be expanding out to international timezones with additional language packs for each region.

To register for an account today, visit Sportizzle.com or click the register button below
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